We polled the team to find out what websites they liked to check daily to keep up with what's happening. It is hardly a comprehensive list of good sites but a few common sites showed up on people's bookmark lists.
(we've got a bullet point task to keep this bookmark updated occasionally)
slashdot.org - What techies are talking about.
Reddit - Reddit has subreddits for everything with lots of active tech related groups.
Techdirt - Mostly looking at legal issues involved in tech.
The Daily WTF Curious Perversions in Information Technology - A daily example of what not to do.
iMore - Keep up with Apple news.
TechCrunch - A good broad tech industry news site that has focus on startups.
Engadget Technology News, Advice and Features - Lots of science and upcoming products. Keep an eye on where things are going.
Ars Technica - Another good source of science and tech news.
Reddit - Reddit also fits down here in broad news and events.
io9 - We come from the future - SciFi news. Not really work related, but everyone seems to like keeping an eye on scifi.
Digg - What the Internet is talking about right now - Still good for a daily check.
Fark - Another good site to keep an eye on the bigger world.