MicfoFig Death - Death Hurts

"Did I hit? "
Time to roll

...Grab a number of dice equal to the dice pool and roll them.

...Every 5 or 6 scores a hit.

...However every 1 reduces the number of hits by 1. If there are more 1s than 5s and 6s, then there is a "catastrophic" failure and the firing unit takes a number of hits equal to how many more 1s were rolled. (the gun blew up, they shot themselves, whatever).

"Now what?"
Creating the Damage Pool

...If any dice scored hits (including catastrophic failure dice that "hit" the firing unit), set them aside. These dice form the base of a new dice pool to determine if the hits were good enough to cause damage.

"Swiming in the Damage Pool"
Modifications to the Damage Pool

...Just like when determining "to hit", the damage pool can be modified by circumstances.

...Units in cover are hard to damage. If this damage was caused by Close Combat Weapons (not fists!), the enemy is easy to damage.

"Is he dead yet?"
Rolling the Damage Dice

...Roll the number of dice in the damage pool. For each 5 or 6, one enemy troop is eliminated, remove them from the base. For each 1 rolled, one troop is spared. Only remove troops if more 5s and 6s are rolled than 1s. If more 1s are rolled than 5s or 6s, or no 5s or 6s were rolled, then no damage was inflicted.

...The player taking the damage can determine which troops are lost in the unit.

...If more 5s and 6s are rolled than there are troops in the unit, then the unit is eliminated.

"Things that make you go BOOM"

...Heavy weapons are explosive.

...All units near the point of impact can suffer the effects of the blast. Troops suffer damage are eliminated first from the closest unit to the initial blast.

...If that unit is eliminated, the remaining hits affect the next nearest unit to the initial point of impact, regardless of what side that unit is on! (the player can cause damage to his own troops this way).

...Damage is continually applied this way, "jumping" from unit to unit until all hits have been distributed.

...When "jumping" from one unit to the next, subtract one "hit" for each 1" from the previous unit distance. If this uses up the remaing hits, then that unit takes no damage.

...Also, when determining range to for "jumps", units on the other side of a wall or in heavy cover are effectively twice as far from a blast as they actually are. This can cause other non-exposed units to be hit first.

...In the event that 2 or more units are equally distant from the blast (in either real or effective ranges), then the damage is applied equally to all affected units (with left over hits being applied randomly).

"I'm lost"
A simple example of explosions

...For example, unit A is 2" from the blast. Unit B is just behind unit A and is 6" from the blast. Unit C is on the other side of the blast from unit A and is 3" from the point of impact.

...Unit A is eliminated. Even tho unit C is 5" from where unit A was, it is next in line to take damage since it was closer to the blast point.

... If unit C had been behind a wall or in heavy cover, its effective range would be 6" and the blast would have damaged both B and C.